Pitch Day: Everything You Need to Know

The deadline to apply for the Catholic Angels Pitch Competition is THIS FRIDAY, March 10 at 11:59 PM PST. 

The SENT Team is excited to announce that the Catholic Angels Pitch Competition now includes additional prizes from IrishAngels

IrishAngels is an angel group of 250+ investors affiliated with the University of Notre Dame. 

On Pitch Day, they will choose 1 of the finalists to receive $25,000 in-kind mentorship from IrishAngel investors AND an opportunity pitch to IrishAngel investors for angel investment of up to $250,000. 

So, what could YOU get out of participating in Pitch Day? 

  • $5,000 cash prize from SENT Ventures (non-dilutive grant) 

  • IrishAngels pitch opportunity and mentorship (potential investment of up to $250,000) 

  • Up to $25,000 in AWS credits for all pitch finalists 

  • Exposure and promotion to countless other investors, founders, and business leaders

  • Free tickets to the SENT Summit as part of your participation package! ($795 value) 

If you are…a Catholic founder of a for-profit company (secular or values based) and seeking or planning to seek venture financing in the range of $500k-$2.5mm now or in the next 12 months, take 5 minutes and apply today. 

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to pitch to some of the leading values-aligned investors! 


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