Creating a Saintly Culture: Insights from Business Leaders at the SENT Summit 2024

At the SENT Summit 2024, a panel of distinguished business leaders convened to discuss "How to Create a Saintly Culture" within organizations. Moderated by David Mann, managing partner of the Firefly Group, the panel featured Anton Colella, Global Chief Executive of Moore Global; Rob Hays, former President and CEO of Ashford Hospitality Group; and Steve Milligan, former CEO of Western Digital. These leaders, who collectively have overseen organizations totaling over 120,000 employees, shared their experiences and strategies for fostering values-based cultures in the corporate world.

Defining Culture: Beyond the Numbers

David Mann opened the discussion by recounting an experience where he failed to recall his company's core values when asked by an employee. This moment led him to reflect on the importance of not just having values written on a wall but truly living them within the organization.

The panelists agreed that culture is not merely a set of predefined values or policies but is deeply influenced by the leaders themselves. Anton Colella emphasized, "I am the culture. My life sets the tone from the outset." He noted that culture must be embodied by the leaders to be effective and sustainable.

Rob Hays added that the term "saintly culture" might seem disembodied, emphasizing that the focus should be on creating environments where people can flourish and become the best versions of themselves. He highlighted the modern challenge of employees lacking intellectual, moral, and spiritual formation due to societal shifts, stating that "business is now the front lines for intellectual, moral and spiritual formation."

Steve Milligan, from his experience leading a technology company, shared that while profitability is essential, it should not be the sole focus. "We didn't lead with making money. We really led with trying to be a great company," he said, stressing the importance of building trust and delivering value beyond financial metrics.

Practical Steps to Build a Values-Based Culture

The panelists shared specific initiatives they implemented to foster a values-driven culture within their organizations:

- Investing in Leadership Development: Anton sent 700 leaders from Moore Global to Harvard for leadership courses. He emphasized teaching virtues such as courage and love, even in professions like accounting. "We are going to love our clients more than any of our competitors," he stated, underscoring that loving clients starts with loving employees.

- Addressing Mental Health and Personal Growth: Rob Hays discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted his team, leading to anxiety and panic attacks. Recognizing the need for support, he introduced the Optimal Work program by Kevin Majeres, which focuses on building habits of virtue. This program was transformational for his team, helping them manage stress and improve performance.

- Leading by Example: Steve Milligan highlighted the importance of personal interactions with employees and sincerity. Despite being an introvert, he made it a point to greet employees and engage with them, building trust and showing genuine care. "If I was going to put my values to work as a Christian... I needed to make sure that I lived those values at a personal level," he explained.

Aligning Social and Economic Ambitions

Anton shared how Moore Global evolved its mission to become not only the most respected but also the most socially ambitious organization. He introduced the concept that their social ambition should match their economic ambition, aiming to be a force for good in the world. This shift was initially met with skepticism in a field like accounting, but the results spoke volumes: the company doubled in size in six years, with high staff retention and client satisfaction rates.

"We've doubled in size. People are going, maybe there was something to this after all," Anton noted. He attributed this success to being good and doing good, reinforcing that ethical practices are beneficial for business.

Measuring Success Beyond Financial Metrics

The panelists discussed how focusing on culture and values translated into tangible business results:

Customer Loyalty and Trust: Steve shared an example from Western Digital during a crisis caused by flooding in Thailand. Instead of exploiting the situation for profit, the company maintained fair pricing. This ethical stance earned long-term respect and loyalty from customers like Apple and Google, proving that values-driven decisions can lead to sustained business relationships.

Employee Retention and Engagement: Rob emphasized that the quality of relationships within the company led to low turnover and a strong, cohesive team that could weather challenges. "By living your business well... you can help equip your people to be happier," he said.

Balancing Personal Ambition and Vocation

When asked about reconciling personal ambitions with God's calling, the panelists advised reframing ambition as a pursuit of excellence. Rob encouraged focusing on being excellent in one's work as a form of offering to God, rather than chasing prestige or wealth. "If you are doing your work in an excellent way... prestige will follow," he said, highlighting that success should be a byproduct of virtuous work.

Anton added that leaders must be cautious of the allure of worldly ambitions, which can be intoxicating and potentially destructive. He advocated for serving the poor as a means to ground oneself in God's purpose and counteract greed and selfishness.

Personal Spiritual Practices and Community Support

The panelists acknowledged the importance of routines and personal spiritual practices in sustaining their ability to lead:

Daily Prayer and Routine: Steve shared that he devoted the first hour of each day to prayer, regardless of where he was in the world. He also made it a point to call his children twice daily, maintaining strong family connections despite a demanding schedule.

Community and Accountability: Rob emphasized the need for formation and accountability, mentioning his involvement with Opus Dei to receive regular spiritual guidance. Anton stressed the significance of community, stating that leaders need protection and support to navigate the challenges of their roles.

Prioritization and Saying 'No'

In response to how they choose what to prioritize, the panelists emphasized the importance of aligning actions with core values and responsibilities:

Prayerful Discernment: Rob highlighted that priorities should be set through prayer and reflection, ensuring that decisions align with one's spiritual life and important relationships.

Community Guidance: Anton suggested that having trusted people around helps in the discernment process, preventing leaders from becoming isolated and making decisions that could lead them astray.


The discussion at the SENT Summit 2024 provided valuable insights into how leaders can create cultures rooted in virtue and ethical principles. By embodying the values they wish to see, investing in the development of their people, and aligning their business practices with a higher purpose, organizations can achieve success that goes beyond financial metrics.

As Anton aptly put it, "Being good is good for business." The panelists demonstrated that when leaders prioritize values, excellence, and the well-being of their people, they not only foster a positive workplace culture but also contribute to a more ethical and compassionate world.

Key Takeaways Summary:

- Culture Starts with Leadership: Leaders must embody the values they wish to see in their organizations.

- Invest in People: Developing leaders and supporting employees' personal growth leads to stronger, more resilient organizations.

- Align Social and Economic Goals: Pursuing social ambition alongside economic ambition can drive business success.

- Measure Success Holistically: Beyond financial metrics, consider customer trust, employee engagement, and reputation as indicators of success.

- Balance Ambition with Vocation: Focus on excellence and offering work as a form of service to God.

- Prioritize Interior Life: Regular prayer, community involvement, and accountability are essential for ethical leadership.

By integrating these principles, businesses can create environments where employees not only thrive professionally but also grow personally and spiritually, contributing to a culture that fosters the development of saints in the modern world.


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