How SENT Fellowship Helped Dan Lorenz
We each have God-given gifts and talents. But do we always use these gifts for the greater glory of the kingdom?
Consider Jesus’ Parable of the Talents. The master rebukes the unfaithful servant who did not properly steward the money he was gifted. “Take the talent from him and give it to the one with ten. For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” (Mt 25:28-29)
The master in the parable is not vengeful, but he is just. The unfaithful servant did not put his single talent to use for the benefit of his master, so the master justly gives the unfaithful servant’s talent to the servant who wisely stewarded the gift of money and made the greatest return of investment.
Likewise, our God is a generous Father who gives freely. But, He asks in return that we use the gifts he has given us to grow in holiness and to glorify Him.
Using our gifts to glorify God is ultimately a responsibility of eternal significance.
SENT Fellow Dan Lorenz does not take this responsibility lightly.
After spending many years as a civil engineer and site developer, Dan realized that his gift is empowering others to utilize their own gifts and reach their potential.
Dan knew that God was calling him to activate his talents in a new way, but he didn’t know where to begin. After a few iterations, Dan settled on creating innovative staffing, recruiting, and consulting solutions in the regulated utility industry when he founded Joe Knows Energy.
His business might be staffing, but his mission is to elevate culture. Dan believes that frontline leaders have the potential to significantly impact culture, elevate performance, and create better results in secular and non-secular environments.
We agree with him. More than anything, the culture we create at our businesses is our greatest lever for kingdom impact.
Dan’s work with Joe Knows Energy even inspired him to found a second venture, Realize Your Calling, where he helps Christians become intentional disciples by understanding their God-given calling, putting faith into action, and serving with their gifts.
As a busy founder and president, Dan was hesitant to join another business owner support group. However, he quickly realized that the SENT Fellowship is not just another support group.
The SENT Fellowship is a Spirit-filled catalyst for founders that fosters intentional Catholic community, facilitates value-aligned business strategy, and supports leaders in their journeys to glorify God with their gifts.
Integrate Faith and Business
Dan shared that he wants to talk to at least 5 people about God every day. His passion for integrating his spiritual life with his business interactions was the perfect fit for the SENT Fellowship.
“Because of the Spirit-filled conversations I have in the SENT Fellowship, the work I am doing in my businesses feels more aligned to and integrated with where I am at in my faith journey than ever. The Fellowship is a game-changer.”
In his Fellowship cohort meetings, Dan feels invited and encouraged to refer to his faith and how the Holy Spirit is working through him. This opportunity has allowed him to get one step closer to full integration between his faith and his business.
Expand Perspective
Not only has the SENT Fellowship supported Dan on the path he is already on, it has allowed him to seek new opportunities.
Dan shares that “The size and diversity of the cohort I was placed in allows me to expand my perspective and still have ample time to discuss my own business roadblocks.”
At SENT, we aim to strategically craft cohorts to be the most mutually beneficial for every Fellow that is involved.
Just recently on our member platform, SENT founder John Cannon was able to connect Dan with Jill Simons, who is doing similar work to Dan at her ministry Many Parts Ministries. Hopefully, this partnership will help fuel each of these founders’ businesses in defining charisms and using gifts for God’s glory.
Maximize Meeting Time
Because Dan is the founder of two successful companies, he doesn’t have a minute to spare. He believes every minute of his Fellowship sessions provide value to his mission.
He especially “appreciates how the SENT Team provides thorough instruction for the strategy session presenters to be properly prepared so we can maximize our meeting time.”
SENT Fellowship sessions include a case study on inspirational saint founders, a review of significant business events, and an in-depth strategy session.
More than anything, Dan is “very thankful for the Holy Spirit working through John and his team to help me elevate my business to serve others.”
Reaching your potential and maximizing your talents isn’t easy on your own. But imagine if you had a support system that gave you all necessary tools to better glorify God through your gifts.
Join Dan and dozens of other Catholic executives and entrepreneurs who are just as driven and devoted to their Catholic faith as you are.