SENT Fellowship: Peer Coaching for Catholic Business Leaders

What is SENT Fellowship? 

The SENT Fellowship is designed to provide you with the highest value possible. Fellowship involves a commitment of 1.5-hour sessions every other week for one year with other equally driven individuals who are equally committed to their Catholic faith. 

SENT Fellowship perks also include all the benefits of SENT Essential:

  • curated, personal connections with other members

  • bi-weekly digital workshops and networking events

  • SENT online platform with member directory

  • Member-only opportunities and discounts

If you are ready to…

  • Receive support in your journey as a value-driven leader in your business, your family, and your community 

  • Build true friendships grounded in the Catholic faith with ambitious founders and entrepreneurs

  • Develop a greater vision for your company alongside a group of committed peer advisors 

  • Receive strategic guidance for problem-solving your roadblocks from experienced individuals 

  • Traverse SENT’s spiritual curriculum and build your own personal roadmap to transformation in your business and faith 

…then it’s time to consider SENT Fellowship. 

Applications Close June 30, 2023

Imagine having a community of experienced individuals who share your faith and are invested in your personal and leadership growth. 

You challenge and equip each other to live an integrated life where your businesses and decisions are Spirit-led.

Through alternating peer coaching sessions, you strategize through obstacles and address core issues together. 

SENT Fellowship is more than just an opportunity to build meaningful connections. It’s a year-long investment in a peer cohort of leaders dedicated to each other's growth as whole people, both driven in their pursuits and devoted to the faith. 

Whether you are scaling a startup or enjoying the fruits of your hard-earned growth, having the right people beside you is crucial for your business and personal development.

Don’t wait until the last minute to apply. If you sense that SENT Fellowship could be the next right step for you, apply today. 

What other people are saying…

“As a young CEO, I knew that I needed all the wisdom I could soak up from those who were more experienced. Whether it was in a related industry or not, I wanted to learn how fellow Catholic leaders made strategic decisions, balanced their work and home life and impacted their communities in meaningful ways. One of the questions I was struggling with was how to manage my finances in a Saintly way and my community gave practical, biblical advice on how to do that well. My SENT experience has redefined what I thought was possible in a virtual community; I can clearly say I know Godly men all over the country who have my back." - Nicholas Madden, Founder of Red Door Escape Room 

“Being part of a SENT community will only enhance your ability to lead, innovate, and collaborate. The time is minimal for what you receive in return. Don’t hesitate to invest yourself in a community and be open to personal and spiritual growth. God works in our lives in and through relationships and the opportunity to be a part of a professional Catholic community is priceless.” - Kate Sell, Founder and Managing Partner, Mission Advancement Partners 

“Working in finance can be a lonely place for someone trying to follow Jesus. Joining SENT changed this for me. Meeting men and women with a heart for the Lord and, as He instructed us, wise as serpents, brought new meaning and energy to my work. I expected some networking and making professional contacts, but the real gift of SENT is the holy friendships cultivated by our regular meetings on Zoom and especially in person at the annual conference. I wish I had joined sooner!” - Daniel Catone, Founder & CEO of Golden State Wealth Management


How To Shatter Silos, Reduce Drag, & Break Free from Zoom Fatigue: A SENT Guide to Improving Communication on Your Team


Meet SENT Fellow Daniel Catone, Founder of Golden State Wealth Management