Thought Leadership
3 Key Traits for Entrepreneurial Success — full interview with early-stage investor Caroline Gash
SENT is thrilled to host Caroline as one of our speakers at the SENT Summit in September. Read on for our full email interview with Caroline to hear her story, get her opinion on what makes a successful entrepreneur, gain insight into how angel investing is a force for good, and more.
Past Performance is Not Indicative of Future Results
If you have ever invested in anything—mutual funds, mortgage-backed securities, or metaverse parcels—you have almost certainly encountered this bit of legalese: Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Can health insurance be consistently pro-life? Presidio Healthcare says yes
“Fortress.” That’s what “presidio,” a Spanish word, translates to in English. Bob and Daniel, inspired by Saint Junipero Serra, who founded the first California mission at the Presidio in San Diego, chose this name to represent their mission “to help proclaim the gospel, heal the sick, and protect the vulnerable.”
5 Leadership Lessons from St. Joseph
Happy Feast Day of St. Joseph! Check out our 5 Leadership Lessons from St. Joseph, built off of Pope Francis Apostolic Letter ‘The Heart of a Father.”
SENT Local Briefing: What it is and Where It’s Going
“In our faith and to grow spiritually with God, we need a community to grow with.”
What is ‘servant capitalism’? Meet Peter Rex
But even amidst his success, Peter is still that same charity-driven young man inside. He makes “servant capitalism,” a term he coined, the foundation for all of his work.
A Letter from John Cannon this Lent
The three pillars of Lent are fasting, prayer, and almsgiving as a means for better loving God and neighbor. For busy people, it can be especially difficult to think about taking on a new thing or giving something up. But trust me, there’s no better time. So....
Here are 3 easy steps to identify specific goals around these pillars for growth during Lent
John Cannon’s Top 5 Books Every Catholic Business Leader Should Read in 2024
The new year is a chance to take on new challenges, refresh your mindset, and focus on what matters. Last year, we shared John’s top 5 books for the Catholic Entrepreneur in 2023. This year, we’re back with another 5 book recommendations to help Catholic leaders succeed in what matters in 2024.
A Letter from John Cannon this Advent
The Advent season has traditionally been one of preparation and waiting for the Nativity of our Lord. Yet we also await and welcome the birth of Christ into our hearts anew each day. The early Church Fathers often contemplated the incredible mystery of the Incarnation
Introducing SENT Fellows Fall 2023
SENT is proud to welcome 13 new Fellows to the SENT Network!